Saturday, January 21, 2012

"bad words"

Oh my god! so i started thinking my 8th grade year and some of the stuff that happened over the course of those what nine months? but so anyways one of the things that has always found it's way creeping back into my head was why people seemed so mad about the action of saying anything with any " bad words". ive always been against the whole thing. i dont see why it matters so much because fearing the word or whatever just makes it have that much bigger of an impact when you say it. if people are accustomed to hearing other people constantly dropping F bombs, then the word has less of an impact. to paraphrase something from Harry Potter, " fear of the word just increases fear in the thin itself". its the same thing. if you just walk around saying Fuck You to everybody instead of good morning, the chances are that they will start to care less and less about the word itself.
 then i started to think about how people always wondered why i cussed so much...i mean i cussed A LOT! but it wasn't because i thought it was cool, or whatever, i did it because i was tired of it being such a social stigma! i hated when people would get so bent out of shape because somebody said shit. it didnt make sense to me. it's a word in the english language no different from clock, foot, car or any other word. its just because somebody decided it was offensive that it became unacceptable to say.
personally i could care less how people express their emotion or their view on something. i think it's ridiculous the amount of time parents and other people put on trying to make sure kids dont say any " bad words". its a waste of time. using the word 'bloody' in a sentence in England in the 1930's was so frowned upon,  but now it's more accepted and people care less about its use. why? because people stopped caring!
either way i would like to know if i am alone or if others agree with my reasoning on things of this nature...ny the way this is my first blog so if its not arranged in the best way possible, then im sorry...any feedback would be greatly appriciated! ;)

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